The Future of Remote Hiring: Virtual Pre-Employment Assessments

Employment Assessments

The hiring landscape has significantly transformed in recent years, and the global shift to remote work has accelerated this change. Virtual pre-employment assessments have emerged as a pivotal component in this evolution, offering a glimpse into the future of remote hiring. In this blog post, we’ll explore the trends, benefits, and considerations that define the future of virtual pre-employment assessment tests from talent assessment tools like Testlify.

Bringing with it a series of new norms for businesses, the onset of anthropogenic virus COVID-19 has commandeered an untamed world, forcing companies to navigate a path to remote work. This led 88% of all organizations worldwide to make remote work mandatory in the early days of the pandemic, claims Gartner.

Virtual work has become an operational and strategic imperative, a crucial element of the hiring process, it has long provided critical insight into a candidate’s competencies, skills, and cultural fit. Insert the creation of virtual pre-employment assessments, a first of which born of the following sea-change.

A series of factors have cohesively paved the road to the creation of virtual pre-employment assessments.

Technology Illuminates: As businesses continue their digital journey, newer tech dimensions such as AI-driven assessments, video interviewing, online skills tests, and so on that are all a part of a completely virtual process, means more precise and faster assessments.

A Flatter World: A candidate could be assessed from anywhere in the world. Clearly, geographical limitations of the past were one of the big barriers to a diversified team — that’s now about to change, as is hiring from the best and the most varied talent pool anywhere.

More, For Less: The traditional, in-person pre-employment assessment was an expensive affair, what with costs relating to travel, venue bookings, and logistics. A virtual assessment opens up hiring to all, and levels the hiring playing field — it’s an exercise that is equally cost-effective for organizations big, small and medium.

No Bureaucracy: The evaluation process becomes far more streamlined and efficient — automated scoring, instant feedback and communications, removes the multiple layers of bureaucracy that exist within the legacy assessment process.

Gamification of Assessments: Organizations are turning to gamified assessments, which highly engage the candidate and provide a dynamic, immersive experience. We expect this trend to gain traction as companies look to reinvent how they measure the key skills and competencies.

Soft Skills Assessment: The lack of soft skills among the workforce, such as communication, adaptability and emotional intelligence, will continue to drive the evolution in virtual assessment as they become more effective at measuring these critical qualities that are so indicative of successful remote work collaborations.

Customized Assessments: As more and more make versus buy decisions bode well for customized assessments that are tailored to specific job roles and aligned with the unique skillset and competencies most critical for success in that job and industry.

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Considerations for Virtual Assessments

Despite the promising future of virtual pre-employment assessments, organizations should give thought to the following as their virtual solutions evolve:

Ensuring Security and Integrity: Assessments should build in strict security measures to prevent cheating and ensure the integrity of the evaluation process.

Candidate Experience: Ensure the candidate experience is positive by making it easy to navigate the virtual assessment process, provide clear explanatory information and make sure the process is accessible to all candidates.

Legal and Ethical Compliance: Whatever form assessment is delivered in, if it is used as part of the selection process, it has to conform to relevant legal and ethical guidelines. It needs to be non-discriminatory, fair to all candidates, and it has to be compliant with all current and relevant regulations regarding data privacy.

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As we embrace the future of remote working, virtual pre-employment assessments are going to come to play a large part in the way we shape how we hire.

Organizations need to be able to embrace the above three elements, getting to grips with how to be globally accessible, sliding under the bonnet of the tech and working out how to make your processes ironclad and to function globally, and all the while, do it within the umbrella of a rock-solid candidate experience.

Provided the above three elements remain within the AI-powered insights, gamification, the shift towards soft skills and its unique blend of customization that the technology that assesses the candidates of tomorrow is rooted in, the future of virtual pre-employment assessments is certainly in safe hands.

The future of making the hiring process more well-rounded, more open, and more timely.