Website Designers – What is their role and what do they do?

Website Designers

The role of website designers involves crafting the structure and appearance of websites. Essentially, they enhance the visual appeal of a site using design software to create various elements.

Additionally, these professionals possess proficiency in user interface (UI) design – ensuring visitors can effortlessly explore and interact with the website. If you’re intrigued by this profession, let’s delve deeper into its requirements for achieving success.

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What is the role of website designers?

Are you curious about the responsibilities of website designers?

Before delving into the necessary qualifications, let’s explore their duties to determine if this field aligns with your passions.

Typically, web designers engage in the following tasks:

  • Crafting website designs and layouts
  • Strategizing intuitive navigation for optimal user experience
  • Producing sample pages and mock-ups
  • Utilizing Adobe software to generate visuals, graphics, or animations
  • Registering web domains
  • Arranging files
  • Collaborating on website updates or renovations
  • Coordinating efforts with writers and designers to establish a cohesive site

Typical salary and job outlook for a web designer

According to research done by the Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab, a website’s appearance can influence users’ perception of the site and the associated company.

Visitors often form an opinion about a website within just one second, with their initial impression frequently shaping their perception of the brand’s credibility. 75% of consumers admit to judging a brand based on its website.

Consequently, businesses are placing greater emphasis on web design – a trend reflected in the job market where positions in this field are growing 23% faster than the national average according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

This growth isn’t just limited to opportunities though; website designers also enjoy competitive salaries. The median annual wage for professionals in this role is $64,209 in the United States.

This figure comprises an average base pay rate amounting to $59,317 per year alongside supplementary earnings typically totalling around $4,892 annually – these additional rewards might include commissions, profit-sharing arrangements or bonuses received from employers.

Do you need any degree to become a web designer?

A bachelor’s degree in website design or a related field is a qualification among many website designers, according to the BLS.

Nonetheless, obtaining certifications as an alternative path to this creative occupation is also available. This article takes a closer look at both types of qualifications.

Degree programs

Several four-year degree courses can provide aspiring website designers the training they need for their careers. The following are some examples:

a. Bachelor’s degree in computer science

By finishing a computer science program, students gain an in-depth understanding of computing abilities, creative troubleshooting, and design tasks.

To illustrate, the University of London’s BSc in Computer Science offers various choices for learners to tailor their proficiency and user experience (UX) if desired.

b. Bachelor’s degree in web design

Some students may pursue a specific qualification in web design skills and layout principles – all taught alongside the technical programmes used by website designers, including those offered by Adobe.

What should be the right portfolio for a web designer?

To secure a job as a website designer, you need the right skills, education and an impressive online portfolio.

Here are some tips on how to curate the best examples.

a. Focus on quality, not quantity

A portfolio should show your best work. It’s better to showcase fewer sites that demonstrate your abilities than sites that don’t.

b. Show off what you want to do

Is there a particular industry or field you’d like to work in? Do you specialize in creating online stores rather than one-page sites for small businesses? Your portfolio should reflect this and include examples that get you going.

c. Give it context

Your portfolio is visual, but it’s also an opportunity to explain your impact on each project. Consider giving three or four sentences about where the site was coming from (purpose), its challenges and why it is here (your portfolio).

d. Keep it updated

Once per quarter isn’t a cadence for updates – even if you’re not adding new work, maybe an additional context that has come up since the last time out edits driven by learnings and goals made when things are fresh in mind versus months- or years later!

The Bottom Line

Website designers are all the hype now! Hotels, banks, schools, retail organizations, nonprofits and schools often employ web designers.

They most commonly work full-time hours (40 to 50 weekly). A few tech companies with popular job listings for web design are Spotify, Facebook, Google and LinkedIn – plus Zoom, Adobe and Microsoft.

So, if you want to become one, now is the right time to hone your skills and get on your way to becoming one!