What is The Future Scope of a Diploma in Interior Design?

Diploma in Interior Design

Interior design is a creative and dynamic field that involves designing and decorating spaces for various purposes and clients. Interior designers use their skills and knowledge of aesthetics, functionality, ergonomics, materials, lighting, colour, and style to create environments that suit the needs and preferences of the users. Interior design is not only about making spaces look beautiful, but also about enhancing their comfort, safety, efficiency, and sustainability.

If you’ve always wanted to pursue a career in interior design and have an eye for detail, a Diploma in Interior Design may be the right course for you. But what is the future scope of this course? In this blog, we tell you just that as we explore this creative course in more detail.

What is a Diploma in Interior Design?

A Diploma in Interior Design is a professional qualification that prepares students for a career in this field. It covers the fundamentals of design theory and practice, as well as the technical and business aspects of the industry. A Diploma in Interior Design can be pursued after completing 10+2 or equivalent education from a recognized board or institution. The duration of the course varies from one to three years, depending on the institute and the curriculum.

Benefits of Pursuing a Diploma in Interior Design

A Diploma in Interior Design offers many benefits for aspiring designers, such as:

  • It provides a solid foundation of design principles and techniques that can be applied to various projects and domains.
  • Interior design courses in Bangalore and elsewhere develop the creative and analytical abilities of the students, as well as their communication and presentation skills.
  • It equips the students with the practical skills and experience required to work as professional interior designers or start their own ventures.
  • It opens up a wide range of career opportunities and prospects for students in various sectors and organizations.
  • The best interior designing colleges in Bangalore and elsewhere also expose their students to the latest trends and technologies in the field of interior design, as well as the best practices and standards of the industry.

Career Opportunities and Prospects for Diploma Holders in Interior Design

A Diploma in Interior Design can lead to a rewarding and fulfilling career in various domains, such as:

Residential Design

This involves designing and decorating homes, apartments, villas, bungalows, etc. for individual clients or real estate developers. Residential designers work on creating spaces that reflect the personality, lifestyle, and taste of the occupants, as well as their functional requirements.

Commercial Design

This involves designing and decorating spaces for commercial purposes, such as offices, hotels, restaurants, retail stores, malls, showrooms, etc. Commercial designers from LISAA work on creating spaces that enhance the brand image, productivity, profitability, and customer satisfaction of the clients.

Institutional Design

This involves designing and decorating spaces for educational, cultural, healthcare, or social purposes, such as schools, colleges, museums, libraries, hospitals, clinics, etc. Institutional designers work on creating spaces that support the mission, vision, and values of the institutions, as well as their educational or service objectives.

Industrial Design

This involves designing and decorating spaces for industrial or manufacturing purposes, such as factories, warehouses, workshops, etc. Industrial designers work on creating spaces that optimize the efficiency, safety, quality, and sustainability of production processes and operations.

Exhibition Design

This involves designing and decorating spaces for temporary or permanent exhibitions or events, such as trade fairs, expos, festivals, conferences, etc. Exhibition designers work on creating spaces that showcase the products, services, or ideas of the exhibitors or organizers in an attractive and engaging manner.

Apart from these domains, diploma holders in interior design from design schools in Bangalore or elsewhere in India can also work as:

  • Freelance designers: They work independently or on a project basis for various clients or organisations. Freelance designers have the flexibility and freedom to choose their own projects, rates, schedules, and styles.
  • Design consultants: They provide expert advice or guidance to clients or organisations on various aspects of interior design, such as planning, budgeting, sourcing, executing, etc. Design consultants with an MBA in interior designing may also supervise or coordinate with other designers or contractors involved in the project.
  • Design educators: They teach or train students or professionals in various institutes or organisations on various topics related to interior design. These professors or lecturers may also conduct workshops, seminars, or webinars on current trends or issues in the field at interior design colleges in Bangalore or other places in India.
  • Design researchers: They conduct research or studies on various aspects of interior design, such as user behaviour, preferences, needs, expectations, etc. Design researchers may also analyze data, generate insights, or propose solutions for improving the quality or effectiveness of interior design.


A Diploma in Interior Design is a valuable qualification that can open up many doors for a successful career in this field. It can help students develop their creativity, skills, and knowledge of interior design, as well as prepare them for the challenges and opportunities of the industry. This course also enables students to pursue higher education like PG interior designing or go for a specialization in this field if they wish to.

With a Diploma in Interior Design, students can explore their passion and potential in this exciting and rewarding field and freely express their creativity.

Also Read: What Inspires Students to Pursue an MSc in Agriculture?


  • What are some of the software tools that interior designers use?

Some of the software tools that interior designers use in their work are Sketchup and AutoCAD.

  • What is the average salary of an interior designer in India?

The average salary of an interior designer in India is INR 3.1 LPA, according to Payscale.

  • Is drawing skills necessary for a career in interior design?

Yes, drawing skills are essential for a career in any design field, more so in interior design.

  • Are there any postgraduate courses in interior design at LISAA?

Yes, LISAA provides a postgraduate diploma/MBA in interior design that lasts for a duration of 2 years.